less alone in a flexible collective.

Do you feel shut in at home or are you frequently distracted from your work? Have you worked in cafés from time to time to get out of the home office?

At Coworking0711, we have created places for new work for you where you can find your right desk to work, whether this is for just a day, a week or even for a month. In so doing, you can get down to your work immediately without having to rent your own office space for months. As an innovative provider of furnished office space, your non-permanent office and conference rooms, we offer Coworking spaces as a community-based office set-up for individual entrepreneurs, freelancers, start-ups and further target groups in Stuttgart and Esslingen.

Coworking full of possibilities

Your right desk to work, whether this is for just a day, a week or even for a month. In so doing, you can get down to your work immediately without having to rent your own office space for months.

Rooms for meetings and seminars

Do you want to meet a customer or prospective client and require an appropriate room? Or are you planning a seminar with several people? Simply hire one of our meeting rooms.

Events - Learn & Network

We regularly play host to a multitude of events. In the process, you can harness the opportunity to network with like-minded people, make personal advancement and drive forward your business activities.

Don't get cut off, get connected

network, cooperation, collaboration

Our locations for Coworking in the Stuttgart (Germany) region.

other regional locations through our partners at Spacehopper.Rocks and worldwide with One Coworking

current events

No news available.

Thank you for these reviews

Denise Grafe
Denise Grafe

Great! They are fully equipped with everything you need. The internet is fast, it's quite, it's clean and there's free coffee.. need I say more?

Rob Renie
Rob Renie


Peggy Stinson
Peggy Stinson

If you are looking for a relaxed atmosphere with nice people - this is your home office away from home.

Jörg Ballschmiter
Jörg Ballschmiter

Beschde Coworking in Schduegert ;)

From our blog

User von Coworking0711 XXXX: Kaitlyn O‘Shaughnessy


In unregelmäßigen Abständen interviewen wir User von Coworking0711 und stellen sie hier kurz vor. Heute: Kaitlyn O‘Shaughnessy.

User von Coworking0711 XXXIX: Stefan Bruno


In unregelmäßigen Abständen interviewen wir User von Coworking0711 und stellen sie hier kurz vor. Heute: Stefan Bruno

Blogparade – 25 Jahre Coworking


2010 war ein Wendepunkt für mich. Ich hatte genug von meinem Home-Office...

Ein Tag voller Gemeinschaft und Wissensaustausch beim Tag der offenen Tür im Coworking0711


Am vergangenen Dienstag, den 19. März, öffnete das Coworking0711 seine Türen für alle Interessierten und lud zu einem Tag der offenen Tür ein. An diesem Tag feierten wir nicht nur die Offenheit unseres Arbeitsraums, sondern auch ein ganz besonderes Jubiläum: unser 14-jähriges Bestehen. Das Highlight…